Accused of Leaving the Scene of an Accident?
If you are like many people, you may not have been aware that leaving the scene of an accident is a criminal offense, or maybe you didn’t think a minor mishap qualified as an accident. Unfortunately, a guilty finding on charges of leaving the scene of an accident, leaving the scene of property damage, or “hit & run” in Massachusetts can carry with it potentially serious penalties.
You may have made an honest mistake, or panicked and exercised poor judgment. Or the police may be completely wrong about the charge, and we need to challenge the facts. Either way, you need an experienced criminal lawyer to help you work through the issue as quickly as possible and make every effort to keep your record clean.
How to Beat Your Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing
Call me for a free consultation and I’ll spell out exactly what I can do to help.
We handle more leaving the scene cases than any other law firm in Massachusetts. And I wrote an entire book on fighting these charges at Clerk Magistrate’s Hearings, which is where a hit and run cases will end up if you got a criminal citation in the mail.
Defense Strategies for a Leaving the Scene of an Accident (or Leaving The Scene of Property Damage Charge)
There are a lot of different ways to take on an beat a Leaving the Scene charge. First of all, they have to prove that you were responsible and that you were the one involved in the accident, which isn’t always cut and dried. There are other options as well, such as paying restitution in return for having the charges dropped.
If you feel you may be responsible and made a mistake, I can make a strong argument to dismiss the case in the interests of fairness and justice or work out a deal to get around any serious penalties. Avoiding your having a criminal record is almost always the primary goal in these cases, and the sooner that I can get on the case, the more options we will have to avoid the harshest outcome.
I am in different courts every day, defending my client’s rights and freedom on criminal motor vehicle charges and other criminal matters. If you’ve been charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident, Property Damage, or any other auto or accident related criminal charge in Massachusetts, such as Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Operating an Uninsured Vehicle, Reckless Driving, or Operating on a Suspended License, you need someone who will fight for your rights. Call me today.